18 Ways to De-stress at Your Desk The American Institute of Stress

Ways to Destress After Work

This means creating enough balance in your life to include leisure time and hobbies. It means cultivating healthy relationships to help you feel fulfilled and take your mind off of stress. It means creating healthy habits to relieve stress, as well as setting goals that excite you and going for them. Or sometimes it can simply mean enjoying the present moment, whatever you happen to be doing at that moment. Journaling is an excellent coping tool that promotes mental health and relieves stress and anxiety. When you write in a journal, you can process emotions, let go of negativity, and gain new perspectives.


  • A licensed therapist can share effective stress management techniques.
  • Taking stretch breaks is particularly important for people who are forced to sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen for long periods of time, leading to back and neck pain.
  • Practicing mindfulness exercises can increase your ability to maintain this present moment perspective, so they are highly recommended for relieving post-job stress as well as for building resilience to stress in general.
  • Implementing a yoga routine before or after work is a great plan.

Journaling as a regular practice can be an effective way to unwind after a stressful day at work. If you struggle with knowing how to relax after work, you’re not alone. In some cases, an intense period https://ecosoberhouse.com/ of burnout can seed an internal fear of repeating the experience, says Sargent, which can keep you from engaging in productive work.

tips for how to recover from burnout

This stress may build up anxiety, nervousness, frustration or even anger in us. We are so tired after working for 8–10 hours in the office that we hardly have any energy left to cheer ourselves up. So even they get stressed due to overwork or overburdening thoughts.

Deep breathing

  • Skip the surface-level scribbles about your crushes and get to the juicy stuff.
  • For others, meditation and yoga are the go-to quick fixes for many people, especially those who don’t fancy sweating every evening to destress.
  • Furthermore, it’s essential to set boundaries to show yourself the self-love you deserve.
  • From there, “your problem-solving job is finding ways to spend a bit more time on the enjoyable work and less time on the unenjoyable work,” he says.
  • Even just stretching at your desk for a few minutes can relieve stress, boost productivity, and, most importantly, improve your mood.
  • Its bold flavor also complements savory dishes—think citrus-glazed salmon or a tangy dressing for roasted vegetables.

And while Sumo Citrus is made to eat straight out of the peel, fans have gotten creative with how they use it. The fruit’s sweetness and juiciness make it an ideal addition to everything from bright citrus salads to zesty cocktails and refreshing desserts. Its bold flavor also complements savory dishes—think citrus-glazed salmon or a tangy dressing for roasted vegetables.

Listen to calming tunes or nature sounds to create a tranquil atmosphere, which can help in preventing work-related stress and anxiety. The State Department also directed employees to disregard the email, with an official telling employees that the department will reply on behalf of employees. “No employee is obligated to report their activities outside of their Department chain of command,” a department official wrote in a message to workers. The deadline to reply is Monday at midnight, according to the email.

Ways to Destress After Work

Ways to Destress After Work

For example, you could say you want to revisit what’s expected of you outside of working hours because things feel overwhelming. The point is to find a resolution that helps reduce strain. While perfectionism has some positive benefits, it can also be highly stressful and lead to burnout.

Ways to Destress After Work

Perceived Stressed Associated With Symptom Burden in People With Fibromyalgia

Relaxation is the polar opposite of your body’s stress response, so knowing how to relax is important. Relaxation can lead to a slower heart rate, reduced blood pressure, and decreased muscle tension—all of which tend to calm your mind and alleviate stress. Taking the time to destress after work can be a Alcohol Use Disorder game changer for your mental and physical health. Furthermore, it’s essential to set boundaries to show yourself the self-love you deserve. So many of us experience the stresses of daily life, especially in today’s world.

  • This means prioritizing sleep, setting aside time for fun, and ensuring you eat throughout the day.
  • By prioritizing activities that help us unwind and relax, such as engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or practicing self-care, we can mitigate the negative effects of stress and improve our overall wellbeing.
  • Skip the hurried scrubbing and indulge in an everything shower (or bath)—apply a hair mask, break out your favorite body scrub, and invest some leftover workday energy into a revitalizing deep-clean.
  • Turns out, sweating off the tension with some exercise is beneficial for more than just your body.
  • If you have to continue working while burned out, Sargent recommends going into “low power mode,” to use a smartphone analogy.
  • Some individuals seem to be more prone to drama than others, so it’s important to learn to identify repetitive patterns in the interpersonal dynamics some people perpetuate.
  • To avoid that negative chain reaction, it’s important to give yourself some grace.

Ways to Destress After Work

AIS does not provide any clinical services nor are we able to respond to requests for assistance with personal problems other than to suggest resources that may be helpful. The content on this website and all AIS publications are for informational purposes only. If you are in distress you should consult a licensed healthcare professional. Consider switching Ways to Destress After Work to something else that needs to be done if you aren’t making progress on the task at hand.

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